Saturday, October 11, 2008


I heard so much wonderful information while at Catalyst, that I'm still reeling! I'm spending some time going over the notes I took and listening to the CDs (THANK YOU GOD for the recording of the sessions!) to gather into my head what God wants me to really get. I think this time, one of the things I've learned is that so many people hear that God loves them and they don't get what that means. They hear "I love you, let's have sex" or "I love you" just before being hit or "I love you" just before being abandoned, so "love" doesn't really mean much to them. BUT, universally, we all want to know that we matter to someone. And when that "Someone" is God -- who created the heavens and earth, who speaks life into existence -- it's life-changing. It's incredible. It's astounding. And it's so very needed. People need to know that, and I'm one of the ones who is supposed to proclaim it. So, expect to hear it...a LOT. The thing I really love about going to events like this is that even though I've walked myself silly and am physically worn out and mentally overloaded, I feel a stronger sense of His purpose in my life. I'm learning His calling for me. I'm learning to not be in awe of the men and women who spoke from the platform, but of the God Who called them to be who they are and share that passion with the rest of us. This evening, Jack and I are serving at the hospitality tent at the Foothills Fall Festival. We've done this for a number of years. We've met several of the artists who play for the crowd and have found them to be generally nice people. There are some who believe the press about themselves, but for the most part, they are "just people." We've learned that they seem to appreciate folks who aren't enamored with their notoriety and fame. I guess that's why we keep going back. It's like a mission to share some love with them that isn't because we're adoring fans, but because we're believers. We like for them to know they matter to God, because whether they are famous or not, they need to know that they matter to God so much that He died for them.

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